De Jong v Real Sociedad


Frenkie De Jong confirms for the umpteenth time his desire to continue at Barça

Published:20/03/2023 - 12:27h

Updated:20/03/2023 - 12:27h

Frenkie de Jong has once again ratified his desire to continue being a FC Barcelona player. The Dutchman does not contemplate a change of scenery, although he admits not knowing what could happen in the future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although from the past market of summer there have been attempts by part of the FC Barcelona to sell to Frenkie of Jong, even reaching agreements with clubs like Chelsea and the Manchester United, the will of the player has finished for imposing . Months afterwards, the Dutch would be consulted one and again on an eventual change of airs, but the answer always would be the same.

Now, after the recent victory of the Barça in front of the Real Madrid in LaLiga, that practically has left allanado the way of the culés to the title, the international with the Low Countries again has been interrogated on a possible change of airs with regard to the window estival of transfers. Of Jong keeps on being one of the better midfield players contributed of the world and very pursued from the Premier League

The "no" of Frenkie Of Jong

Tackled by 'Ziggo Sport' after the triumph in front of the Madrid, the international with the 'Oranje' would go out to the step once again on the rumours that link him with other clubs. Although it admits not knowing what could occur in the future or which would be the intention of the Barcelona, that needs to do box to be able to pay traspasos, Of Jong keeps firm: "No, I do not think that it go me. Of course, never it knows . But I am very happy in Barcelona!".

It costs to remember that the Dutch keeps on being pretended with strength from the Manchester United. From the bench of Old Trafford, has turned into one of the most wished pieces by his compatriot and exentrenador in the Ajax of Ámsterdam, Erik Have Hag. The míster mancuniano does not surrender and is very possible that urge again to the directive of the 'network devils' to bet by his signing.

Of Jong values the Classical

Regarding the party contested in front of the Real Madrid in the Spotify Camp Nou, the midfield player has recognised that the victory has not been exenta of suffering, especially after the goal cancelled to Marco Asensio: "it Was a hard hit for us. And if it is offside, it is it. But it went a relief. In the last months, the trainer has given me a lot of freedom to move me and find the ball. This is much better that to the beginning of the season. Game almost everything, what certainly gives a lot of satisfaction".