Jovic Interests to the Barcelona


Like this it is the auction by Luka Jovic, the forward that likes to the Barça

Published:29/03/2019 - 21:51h

Updated:29/03/2019 - 21:51h

Luka Jovic Is the footballer that occupies the 'pole position' in the list of preferences of the technical office of the FC Barcelona. To the interest culé have added him other teams, reason by which it will be necessary to expect to know the denouement of the history

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From it does several weeks, the FC Barcelona follows in its footsteps Luka Jovic, forward of the Eintracht of Frankfurt that, to his 21 years, is seen by the technical office like the ideal player to complement to Luis Suárez in a principle and to finish him relieving in the forward over time.

However, it does not go to be easy to carry out the contracting of the ariete Balkan. It is true that the FC Barcelona -as the informations published this Friday by 'Mark'- is the team that more advanced has the contacts with Jovic, but also is it that the Eintracht of Frankfurt does not have any haste for selling.

The club germano has a clear plan with Jovic that has the final aim to take out the greater quantity of possible money by his traspaso. A strategy that goes through not having any type of haste and for expecting that the interest of other big teams -in addition to the Barcelona- go incremen so much the cotización of the player in the market. 

In this sense, the FC Barcelona has the advantage to be the first that contacted to carry to the player but the disadvantage that said contacts have gone out to the too prompt light, doing that other clubs rush to go in in the bidding. Between them, of course, the Real Madrid, that this Friday has gathered with his representative.

Interested: Bayern, Inter, City, Chelsea...

The Real Madrid does not go to be the only team that turn into a firm rival by Jovic. The Bayern of Munich would have gone in in the bidding to do with his services and has money to do a succulent offer in spite of having closed already to Swindle Werner. In Italy, clubs like the Milan, the Inter or the Naples also go after him.

In England, even ensure that there are two English clubs that are very interested in carrying to the Serbian forward to the Premier League: Chelsea and the Manchester City, although the picture londinense would have to expect to launch to by the footballer, since it is sanctioned by the FIFA without fichar until 2020.

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