Aymeric Laporte  65 millones de euros (Manchester City)


Paris Saint-Germain gets fully involved in the 'race' for Laporte

Published:1/04/2023 - 12:02h

Updated:1/04/2023 - 12:03h

New information from the United Kingdom ensures that Aymeric Laporte, defender of Manchester City, would be in the orbit of PSG as a reinforcement for the summer market

Calendar of FC Barcelona

For anybody is a secret that the FC Barcelona wants to reinforce to as it give place for the following season. In spite of having the best defence of the five big leagues of the continent, the true is that they want to improve even more his level with one or two movements of weight that bend all the positions.

Iñigo Martínez is one of the candidates that already would have all done to dress of blaugrana in the 2023/24. Another that has been in the orbit of the Barça is Aymeric Laporte, the powerful head office of the Manchester City. To his 28 years is not being absolute protagonist and several media sustain that his wish would go through to change of airs in summer. His quality and good handle of the spherical turn him into a piece of like for Xavi Hernández, although still there is not at all defined with regard to a possible incorporation

The PSG would want to fichar to Laporte

With all this on the table, a new information of the portal web Football Insider ensures that the Barcelona would not be the only after the steps of the defender. And it is that Paris Saint-Germain also would want to do with his services and, in fact, would be had to go in of full in a bidding in case that several teams interest in him.

In the Park of the Princes want to rearm his defence in front of the possible exit of Sergio Bouquets at the end of his agreement. The movement by Milan Skriniar from the Inter of Milan would be directed and would be Laporte the one who could accompany him in axis of the defence in the next campaign. His current value of market oscillates the 30 million euros and the French will have to negotiate face to face with the City because it still has a valid agreement until 2025.

The Barça will not go in in biddings

Like this the things, the Barcelona will keep very attentive to what occur because it understands that it does not have the economic muscle to go in in biddings in the window of traspasos. The aims of the sportive direction go through footballers in condition of free agent or that are going in in his last year of agreement. It will be necessary to see what sucede and if the Spanish finishes forcing his exit to defend another elastic.

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