Héctor Bellerín, during a party with the Arsenal


They ensure that the Barça there would be descartado the signing of Bellerín

Published:12/07/2017 - 09:21h

Updated:12/07/2017 - 09:29h

From the Catalan press ensure that the FC Barcelona there would be descartado already the signing of Héctor Bellerín of face to the next season, since it would not fulfil all the technical requirements and physicists, and also by the high price that asks

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They happen the days and the problem of the FC Barcelona with the right side aggravates . If Héctor Bellerín seemed that it was the first option to cover the place of face to the next season 2017-18, now from "Sport" ensure that, after the first meeting made with Ernesto Valverde and the heavy weights of the technical office, would have descartado to the of Calella like possible signing.

They allude like main reasons the high price that would have to pay the FC Barcelona by a player that does no too many years was in the quarry  (40-50 million euros), whereas it would not exist unanimity in all the parts regarding the technical and physical conditions of Bellerín, the one who could not being the best possible option to reinforce the side.

Pep Safe, sportive director, Robert Fernández, technical secretary, and Urbano Ortega, integral of the technical office, would have participated in the summit beside Ernesto Valverde, the trainer, to decide the next movements to be followed in the market of signings.

The question is that the possible contracting of Héctor Bellerín would be now more far that never to produce , splitting of the base in addition to that the Arsenal is not had to listen any offer by one of the best players of his staff.

The alternatives neither convince to the Barça

From now, the FC Barcelona will have to value seriously other alternatives and decide which are the following objective to be followed in the market of signings, whose closing still remains far, although the Barça will not be able to sleep in the laurels if it does not want to lose the best options. Or that, in cases like the one of Dani Ceballos, other teams like the Real Madrid advance to his pretences.

And it is that some culés carried time doubting that Héctor Bellerín was the best possible option in the market of signings to reinforce the right-handed lane of the defence, although true is also that Cedric Soares, Cancel and the other sides that have sounded like alternatives neither have of the sufficient support by part of the fans culé.

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