Dybala, Douglas, Reus, Hazard, Of Bruyne and Griezmann


To what big star ficharías to substitute to Neymar Jr?

Published:21/06/2016 - 20:00h

Updated:21/06/2016 - 20:01h

A lot it is speaking during the last weeks during the possible course of Neymar of the FC Barcelona by 190 million euros. If this sucediera, the Barça could fichar to several stars consecrated to relieve him in the attack

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The subject of the possible exit of Neymar Jr of the FC Barcelona begins to tire after several weeks of infinite rumours about the interest of Paris Saint-Germain and the hypothetical course of the "crack" Brazilian. Further of the rumorología, however, from "FCBN" have wanted to stir which would be the most beneficial alternatives for the Barça in the case that it carried out the traspaso of Neymar.

To who ficharía the FC Barcelona to substitute him in the front of attack, accompanying to Messi and Suárez? To a player, or to more than one? The case is that they exist in the multiple actuality stars consecrated that, in spite of being in some cases something far to day of today of the level of the Brazilian star, could relieve him with good results, allowing besides that the Barça saved an ingente quantity of money.

The stars that could relieve to Neymar in Barcelona

Paulo Dybala

The Argentinian tip never has hid his wishes to play some day at the side of Leo Messi, and also would be loved to do it with Luis Suárez. In fact, in spite of that Neymar will remain in the Barça already has sounded during the last months like fourth Barcelona forward. It is right now a world-wide star, and his progression this past season in the Juventus of Turín shows it. It would not go out by less than 70 "kilos".

Eden Hazard

The big star of Belgium has surprised with a disappointing season with Chelsea -although all the team was badly-, in which besides it has suffered some injuries and physical annoyances that have prevented him shine. Chelsea does not wish traspasarle, but to his 24 years if it did it his value of market rondaría the 60-70 million euros, figure from which could negotiate .

Marco Reus

The talentoso attacker of the Borussia Dortmund carries already three summers in the diary of the FC Barcelona. The club tanteó his signing and the answer of the player was negative, because of the fact that it would not have place in the forward with the presence of the "MSN". If Neymar did the cases, nevertheless, could accept land in Barcelona beside his big fellow Ter Stegen in return of 50-60 million euros.

Antoine Griezmann

The French has turned into the big reference of the Athletic of Madrid, and the club colchonero no him traspasaría by less than 60 million euros. It is all a star, has progressed to base of experience and has some physical and technical qualities that do him apt for any team. In the Barça of Luis Enrique, would take advantage of especially the counterattacks with the speed of Barcelona pass.

Douglas Coast

The Brazilian has been the big disclosure of the Bayern Munich this past season. Dribbling, talent, pass, goal and, besides, defensive sacrifice. All this has cost him to be idolised by Pep Guardiola, the one who has had him like a fixed in the Bavarian attack. The Bayern Munich, however, no him traspasaría by less than 60 million euros.

Kevin Of Bruyne

Of Bruyne signed a spectacular season does two courses with the Wolfsburgo and has not fulfilled with the expectations in the Manchester City, although it has finish approving just. In the Etihad Stadium trust that it assume the reins of the team with the arrival of Pep Guardiola and beside the "Kun" Agüero, but an offer of 80-90 million euros could command him to Barcelona.

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