Stoichkov talks about Barça's revolution and Dembélé's continuity
Published:22/03/2022 - 14:39h
Updated:22/03/2022 - 14:39h
Hristo Stoichkov has reviewed the current situation of FC Barcelona after the great victory of the Catalans in the Clásico against Real Madrid and has also spoken about the future of Dembélé
The barcelonismo carries time of party with the big change that has lived the FC Barcelona in the last months of the hand of Xavi Hernández, but the triumph of in the Classical against the Real Madrid, with a goleada of 0-4, has been the confirmation that the best version of the Barcelona team is back and a reason of celebration for all the fans (and no fans).
Hristo Stoichkov Has been one of which has pronounced in this regard. In an interview to 'Radioestadio' of Wave Zero, the ex Bulgarian footballer and winner of the Balloon of Gold in 1994 confessed that it was not surprised by the result and that it was intelligible by the big level that is having the Barça, highlighting that even in the warming noticed the differences between the Barcelona and madridistas.
In concrete, stood out that "I saw the warming of the two teams and the faces were totally different. Some concentrated and others with laughs, pranks and taconcitos", highlighting the important that was Ronald Araújo to brake to 'Vini' and cover any attempt of attack of the Real Madrid by his band: "Araújo left him clear to Vinicius by where did not go to happen. It did a big work", stood out.
Likewise, it celebrated that the ideas and approach of Xavi Hernández calaran so rapido in the players so that the change in the team was immediate, signalling that "the message of Xavi has arrived to the players and play as if they were home. Pedri Recovered more balloons that the four of the Real Madrid. Of Jong has showed that when the team is well there is a lot playedr". It recognises, besides, that "the meeting goes to remember long. It is a complete party in every aspect, regarding physicist, tactical and mentality".
Would have to remain Dembélé?
On the other hand, Hristo Stoichkov has spoken on the continuity of Dembélé in the Barça. His agreement wins the next 30 June and the French footballer has not communicated to the club if it will remain or no. In his opinion, the Barcelona have to 'undo' of him: "If it wants to renew that it go out now and it say that it wants to remain . It does not know the history of the club. By two, three parties that play well...", adding that "has quality and it is necessary to take advantage of him until it finish his agreement".
The opinion of the fans is very distinct, however. And it is that in a recent survey that have made in 'FCBN', the fans of the Barcelona thinks that the club would have to do an extra effort to achieve the renewal of the French extreme. The results were very clear: 55% of the voters aimed that yes it is necessary to renew to the player as it was, whereas 31% thinks that only they have to renew him if it accepts a discount salarial. Likewise, 8% stood out that they have to decide at the end of season, 3% said that 'Dembouz' has not showed to be important and another 3% considers that the Barça would be better without the French.