Success rotundo of the beautiful initiative solidaria of the Barcelona

Published:30/11/2017 - 10:23h

Updated:30/11/2017 - 16:54h

The Diada of the Partner Solidario of the FC Barcelona, that the club carries promoting from seven years ago, had this Wednesday a success rotundo in the Camp Nou. 68.775 viewers constituted the best assistance since it set up the initiative

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona took advantage of the party against the Real Murcia, in the turn of dieciseisavos of final of the Glass of the King 2017-18, to celebrate the Diada of the Partner Solidario, an initiative that carries promoting the club from seven years ago and that, in front of the group murciano, had this Wednesday in the Camp Nou his maximum assistance: 68.775 viewers.

The day solidaria left some images of beautiful bill, as for example the photography that the players of the first team of the FC Barcelona did with a group of the Assocació Catalan of Syndrome of Down.

Another novelty stood out was the collected of signatures to demand to the UN the proclamation of the World-wide Day of the Accessibility, campaign in which it participates the FC Barcelona. Finally, it carried out a collected of foods and articles of first need like part of the campaign promoted by the Confederació World-wide of Penyes, framed in the 'Big Recapte' previous to the dates of Navidad.

Devoted to the boys with social exclusivity

The vice-president of the social area of the FC Barcelona, Jordi Cardoner, put of self-evident just before the party the "generosity of the partners when yielding his abonos so that we can arrive to all the territory and the people that usually can not come to see to the Barça".

The Barcelona director, besides, showed very happy by the big success of the initiative solidaria: "it Is an excellent figure of assistance: it is an interesting form to create bridges of union and to help to the people. For a lot of boys, is a gift of Kings to the doors of the Christmas".

Already when the referee pitó the start of the party, the Camp Nou transformed in a party to which contributed the marked goals by the FC Barcelona. During the meeting could see to the fans happen it in big, doing the wave and lighting up massively with his mobile telephones.

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