Churches Villanueva, arbitrating during a party of LaLiga


The Committee no 'will punish' to the referee of Valencia-Barcelona

Published:27/11/2017 - 22:06h

Updated:28/11/2017 - 01:20h

The Technical Committee of Referees will not sanction neither will put 'in the fridge' to the referee of Valencia-Barcelona, Churches Villanueva, after the clamoroso failure of not giving by valid the goal of Leo Messi in Mestalla. Like this it has confirmed it Sánchez Arminio

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After the derivative controversy of Valencia-Barcelona by fault of a goal ghost that, once again, went back to prejudice to the FC Barcelona, the president of the Technical Committee of Referees of the Spanish Federation of Football (FEF), Sánchez Arminio, has left clear that is not foreseen that it sanction to Churches Villanueva by have not given by valid the goal of Leo Messi in Mestalla.

In statements conceded in the last hours to 'Sports Four', the ex Cantabrian referee has pronounced some statements that have aroused some controversy between some fans, especially in the barcelonismo.

"The referee committed a failure, as they have them the trainers, the players… The players do not fail goals, do not fail penaltis? I do not think that by a failure it was necessary to put him in the fridge. It did not hit? As bad luck And the other parties? Those have not seen them? Always we fix us in the failure", have been his words regarding the error of Churches Villanueva.

Some errors that damage the image of LaLiga

It has asked him also if the VAR will correct these failures from the next season 2017-18, and has answered that "yes, is logical. That why there is not line of goal still? Ask it to him to the one who correspond", has signalled. They have asked him then of who depends to establish the technology of the line of goal and of the VAR, of the FEF or of laLiga. This has been his answer: "Of the two".

In definite, at all can do the FC Barcelona to change the result of the party in front of Valencia, but if a thing is clear is that, of face to the next years, this type of flagrant failures will not be able to go back to repeat . At stake it is the justice futbolística and the image of LaLiga.

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