Marco Reus, just before the Borussia Dortmund-Legia


Marco Reus, the star that has gone back and longed for fichar the Barça

Published:26/11/2016 - 01:09h

Updated:26/11/2016 - 01:09h

Marco Reus returned this week to the big with the Borussia Dortmund in Champions League, annotating a "hat-trick" in the party against the Legia. Some fans culés think that the FC Barcelona would have to have insisted in his signing

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Seeing the toneless performance that is offering Paco Alcácer like fourth forward, and that Burn Turan chains several weeks without having too many minutes in Can Barça, the fans culés began to ask in the social networks around the middle of this week, after the triunfal return of Marco Reus with a "hat-trick" in the Dortmund-Legia, why the Barça did not insist more to the hour to try close his signing.

The newspaper "Marks" informed months backwards that the main reason by which Mark Reus did not want to fichar by the Barcelona does two summers, when Josep Maria Bartomeu contacted with his surroundings, went that it saw too much competition in the staff trained by Luis Enrique as to have a place ensured in the eleven headline, given the presence of the trident formed by Luis Suárez, Neymar Jr and Leo Messi and also of other players of big level like "jokers" in the Barcelona bench.

The newspaper ensured then that Bartomeu him tanteó like baza for the elections of 18 July recently more than a year, but after interviewing with the player and his agent the answer of both was negative. And no by emotional questions neither tactical, but by the fact to have to compete in each training with the three stars sudamericanas by a place in the alignment of face to the important meetings of the season, although Reus also is able to play in the position of interior that occupies Andrés Iniesta.

The destination is traicionero and wanted to that Leo Messi and Andrés Iniesta were lesionados this same season during some weeks, period in which Marco Reus would have been indisputable headline in the case to having formed part of the staff culé. Besides, of not to have lesionado two of the most important pieces of the team the "crack" German could have alternated titularity so much with Neymar, Luis Suárez and Messi in the forward as with Iniesta and Rakitic in the position of interior, being equally one of the players of the most used staff by Luis Enrique.

But the question is that Marco Reus denied to have to lidiar with said hándicap and to the risk to live in the FC Barcelona a similar situation to the one of Paco Alcácer or Burn Turan, that are those who at present occupy the role that he would have had in the Barcelona staff.

In this sense, Marco Reus preferred to be before the maximum star of the Borussia Dortmund that share leadership with the best players of the world in the FC Barcelona. Head of mouse before that tail of lion, a decision more than respectable. To level of titles and professional prestige, however, sure that this will not benefit him in the long run in his professional career.

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