The only factor that can take out to Harry Kane of the Tottenham

Published:22/11/2017 - 09:39h

Updated:23/11/2017 - 00:09h

The English forward of the Tottenham, Harry Kane, ensured in the last days that his aim is can play all his career in the group 'spur'. However, it exists a serious factor that could accelerate his exit of Wembley for recalar in a 'big'

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From it does a pair of seasons, but particularly in the last months, Harry Kane has consecrated like one of the best goleadores of the world, able to sign some statistical surprising scorers and to be the mainstay that saves to the Tottenham in diverse parties complicated.

This past Tuesday, went back to be vital when annotating the goal of the tie in front of the Dortmund in the Signal Iduna Park (1-2), minutes before they Are marked the second goal 'spur' to certify the victory of the group londinense. The ariete English left very clear in his last interview that his aim is the one of not abandoning never the Tottenham, but in another interview ensured, weeks backwards, that what more is mad about him in the football is to win.

"It would love me be a man of an alone club. This will depend on how advance the club, the trainer, etc... I am very concentrated in the Tottenham and each day work to improve. Deal of not thinking too in the future because it is something that can not control. Only it matters me follow improving like player and this is what I yes can control", commented in statements conceded to the 'Mirror'.

"For me, the football treats to win. When it finalise my career is what want to remember and by what will feel me proud. Only I expect that it was like this", it aimed to continuation, and precisely here is the key of his continuity. The Tottenham keeps on being for the moment a winning team that carries some consecutive seasons classifying for the Champions League.

The Tottenham no always will be in the elite

If this good series finishes and the 'spurs' do not classify during a true period of time for the maximum continental competition, no descarta that Harry Kane can do the cases course to a big club of Europe, taking into account that, as he same said, his big ambition in the world of the football is "to win". Teams like Real Madrid and FC Barcelona would be loved to receive him in his respective staff.

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