Carles Puyol, beside the players of the Barça after the victory in the Classical


The congratulation of Puyol after the Classical, pride of the Masia

Published:24/12/2017 - 11:37h

Updated:24/12/2017 - 14:33h

It was protagonist by a publication in the previous minutes to the Classical, but almost more by his congratulation of afterwards. Carles Puyol celebrated beside his ex mates in the FC Barcelona the victory in Santiago Bernabéu, with an image of pride for the Masia

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Saturday there was big party in Santiago Bernabéu and anybody wanted to lose it, and between the invited illustrate to the clash was Carles Puyol. The ex captain of the FC Barcelona had his quota of leadership in the social networks, with a message premonitorio first and a flatter to the Barcelona quarry afterwards.

They were a lot of those that shared a photography that the Catalan published minutes before the balloon threw to film, in which it went out celebrating a goal, precisely, in the coliseo 'merengue'. Besando The bracelet and with Xavi Hernández and Andrés Iniesta background, the image of the of the Pobla was all a success.

But it did not remain here his afternoon triunfal, and is that some hours after the goleada culé, Puyol went back to give a joy to his followers. "Fellow happinesses, are the best. It live the Barça", wrote in Catalan, heading an intantánea in which it appears beside Sergio Busquets, Sergi Roberto, Gerard Hammered, Andrés Iniesta and Aleix Vidal.

Pride of the Masia

As a lot of fans took advantage of to remember, the photography of Puyol is a reason of big pride of the Masia, because all the players that appear happened sometime of his careers by the Barcelona inferior categories. There are several present generations, but, besides, all ellass have attained successes with the team of his life, the FC Barcelona.

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