César Azpilicueta, raising the glass of the Premier League with Chelsea


What Azpilicueta can offer if index card by the FC Barcelona

Published:10/07/2017 - 14:27h

Updated:10/07/2017 - 14:30h

From Spain follow insisting in the possibility that César Azpilicueta was the side that arrive finally to the FC Barcelona this summer, taking into account that Chelsea has fichado to Rüdiger and that Héctor Bellerín hardly will leave the Arsenal

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The main aim of the FC Barcelona for this summer keeps on being Héctor Bellerín. Of this there is not doubt. The canterano Barcelona of the Arsenal is the elected to reinforce the right-handed lane of the Barça, sabedores that it treats of a signing of projection and that ilusiona to the barcelonismo. However, the things does not seem that they go to be very easy.

From the Arsenal have blocked the exit of the of Calella and deny not even to value any offer of the FC Barcelona. In front of this, and after the renewal by two seasons more than Wenger, the group blaugrana has begun to activate alternatives.

The first is the one of an old known that it already carries sounding during three summers followed and that, perhaps now, can finish landing in Catalonia. We speak neither more neither less than of the side of Chelsea César Azpilicueta. The office culé has very good his reports and in the team londinense has won the place to title, playing of carrilero pure and, in occasions, of right-handed head office.

Azpilicueta, with a big touch of balloon

This past season 2016-17, and after a study of "The Telegraph", Azpilicueta was appointed like better defence of the English competition. And it is that to his big defensive provision, the navarro contributes good qualities to take out the ball played from backwards and, unlike Héctor Bellerín, a grandísimo touch of ball that allows him incluo play in the left side.

At present it has 27 years of age and finds in his best moment futbolístico. Has agreement until 2020 and encipher his value in 25 million euros, although his signing could rondar the 30 "kilos". A quantity no too high to bet by a man that would be indisputable headline during several seasons.

Chelsea can listen offers

To all this, the fact that Chelsea finish of fichar to the young German defender of the Rome, Rüdiger, causes that Azpilicueta can be even more near to do the cases. "It is a pride be related with the FC Barcelona".

"This means that you are playing well. The season happened did not listen this type of histories. It is consequence that we are doing it well in the Premier League, that the things work well", confessed does some days in an interview conceded to "The Guardian". Sure that to Azpilicueta would love him return to Spain.

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